Our History


There is a history of greenhouses in the Banff area.  Check out the photos and stories here.


The first greenhouse came out of the Town of Banff 2006 Community Survey.  Nancy Lewis and Chad Townsend from the Town of Banff took the lead and after some initial fundraising and research hosted an overflowing open house evening at Town Hall in the Fall of 2009.  After that meeting an advisory group of 14 citizens helped Nancy and Chad with some of the details and the community fundraiser night.

In January 2011, as we approached the threshold of having enough funds to build the greenhouse, Town Council decided that the Town should stay involved in getting the greenhouse built but not be committed indefinitely to the day to day maintenance.  That was when the Banff Greenhouse Gardening Society was created out of the advisory group.

After two long years of raising funds and awareness, the Rec Grounds Greenhouse was built in just two short weeks in May 2011 to give people a chance to garden in 2011: 

 May 18  AJB Contracting dug the water line
 May 19-25   AJB completed the 3 ft high foundation based on screw piles
 May 26  BC Greenhouses truck arrived with the parts and Dylan our construction supervisor   
 May 27-29    45 volunteers erected the structure, mounted the panels, and moved the boxes in
 May 31  15 volunteers from General Electric moved all the soil and compost into the boxes
 June 1  Bill Calvert hooked up our waterline
 June 4  First gardeners started planting!
 June 27   Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with Mayor Sorenson and MLA Tarchuk


Story of the Cascade Plaza Greenhouse
In September 2012 we were completing our second season at the first greenhouse but the longer growing season and the improved soil meant that the demand for plots was staying high (roughly two applicants for every bed).  We knew how many years the first greenhouse took so we were thinking it would be two years before we could try to meet the demand.  That was until we received an email from Gilles Brodeur from Matrix Real Estate who managed the maintenance of Cascade Plaza.

A quick inspection showed that the unused top level of the Cascade Plaza parkade would be a great place to build a greenhouse.  With three big donations from Investors Group Trust Co Ltd, Alberta Health Services, and Walmart Evergreen Green Grants over the winter we committed to buying another structure from BC Greenhouses.

May 9, 2013 Contractor built the sill with 2x8s and load bearing grout underneath to provide a square and level platform
May 17 40 volunteers and Dylan (again) built 90% of the 20x30ft structure in one day
May 18 Finishing touches like the roof vents and the doors
May 21-24 Barts Construction re-sealed the floor against leaks, delayed due to rain.
May 25-26 Volunteers and the Matrix RE maintenance team built the boxes
June 1-2 Fixed the boxes with soil, coir, and compost
June 6  First seeds planted just nine months after the idea was proposed
July 17 Grand Opening with the Mayor Sorenson and Vyetta Sunderland from Matrix RE.
Initial Advisory Group

Abbie Swanson

Amelie Petch

Bob Lutz

Deborah Cameron

Denise Longhurst

Doug Hamel

Heather Dempsey

Jeanette Fish

John Fenn

Josee Larose

Katt Topolniski

Kyle Maier

Magda Idasz

Ryan Neilson

Tiffany Teske

2011 Society Board

Bob Lutz

Jeanette Fish

Magda Idasz

Abbie Swanson

Heather Dempsey

2012 Society Board

Bob Lutz

Jeanette Fish

Magda Idasz

Audrey Frey

Connie Brille

Jen Geboers

Tiffany Teske

2013 Society Board

Bob Lutz

Fran Milburn

Magda Idasz

Audrey Frey

Connie Brille

Heather Dempsey

Lorraine Harder

2014 Society Board

Fran Milburn

Bob Lutz

Magda Idasz

Audrey Frey

Lorraine Harder

Pamela Traut

Kirstie McCallum